Shorty Award Winner: Best Use of Facebook
The Ask: How can we create compelling content for our channels on a well-known holiday?
The Project: Our Facebook followers were probably thinking “not another generic holiday post.” And they were right. It wasn’t. Introducing the first virtual trick-or-treat experience, where we converted all six Chevrolet Facebook channels into one neighborhood. We knew holiday posts typically underperform, so rather than ringing the same doorbell we decided to do something totally different that leveraged the American tradition of Halloween.
Use: Social Media
Role: Copywriter and Case Study Writer
Executive Creative Director: Iain Lanivich
Group Creative Director: Tony Kause
Associate Creative Director: Dan Willey
Senior Art Director: Cleveland Thrasher
Copywriter: Erin Townsend
Copywriter: Sara Lepley
Junior Art Director: Bailey Bain